Permitting Services
The commercial permitting process can be tricky, time consuming, and down right a pain. Let the experts at Racks Direct take a look and provide you with all the necessary documents to navigate the treacherous process. Let ou

Shelving is another excellent solution to improve storage at your facility. There is a wide range of shelving equipment with different materials you can choose from. The professionals at Racks Direct LLC can guide you with finding the right shelving and assist you through the installation. If you are confused about how to identify which type of shelving is right for your business, contact us today!
Modern Storage Solutions
Using the right kind of shelving for your business’s storage can increase the productivity and efficiency of your warehouse and your workers. In addition, installing an efficient storage shelving system can help declutter your storage facility and positively impact your business’s bottom line.
Warehouse Shelving
Efficient Storage
High Storage Utility
Customized Solutions